5 Benefits of Online Learning: Why Online Learning is the Future of Education?

Published On April 2nd, 2024 8005How To
Explore Education Streaming

Online or e-learning is becoming the new normal in the areas of education and professional upskilling. It is not only convenient but also cost-effective for schools, universities, and businesses. So let us delve deeper into why online classes are a popular trend.

What is Online Learning?

Online learning imparts skills without geographic or time barriers over the internet. Network-enabled knowledge transfer to a wide number of recipients is simpler with higher accessibility to the internet and interactive tools. Gamification of learning helps deeper understanding. It is gaining momentum as people recognize the benefits of online courses

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Since the time ‘e-learning’ was first used as a concept in October 1999, it has gained popularity as an affordable and flexible alternative to classroom learning. Revenues from the e-learning have grown 900% higher in response to this popularity.

Saves Time: One of the most common reasons to prefer internet-enabled learning is that it saves time for recipients. As per an experiment by IBM, it was found that e-learning enabled recipients to learn 5x more material that conventional modes of teaching in the same span of time.

Flexible: The mode of teaching must be in sync with the learners. The traditional model of learning is considered to be boring and is the main reason for its lesser effectiveness. E-learning is 5 times more effective because of the mode of delivery and flexibility.

Energy-efficient: A larger percentage of the global population is becoming environmentally conscious. Reduced carbon footprints involved in online learning tilts the balance in its favour. Reduction in paper and energy consumption slashes the CO2 levels by over 80% as per a recent study by an open university.

Affordable: Quick and easy delivery is enabled over the internet at a fraction of the costs involved in training materials and commuting. This makes online learning much more accessible and affordable than traditional learning.

Higher comprehension: Building interactive tools through an e-learning platform helps the recipient absorb it 5 times more effectively and 60% faster. Graphical and live video streaming are popular choices.

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What Are The Major Benefits of Online Elearning Platform?

1. Multiple Course Options

Tailor multiple courses that can be offered on an e-learning video platform. Standardized courses can be created for learners with beginners, intermediate and advanced skills with smart tools. Platforms are generally supported by a robust content management system that recommends related courses. The learners reap the benefit of circumspect learning from separate online courses on the same VOD platform. This is pivotal in retaining the subscriber with continued engagement.

2. Flexible Cost

Learners can watch classes at a convenient time in a self-paced manner as skills are taught in small chunks of time over the internet. Since the skill sets required by each individual is different, customized learning with the flexible cost is an important factor that favors online learning. E-learning platforms can be built from scratch to customize the content delivery features, storage, and revenue, models. The pricing can be optimized as per content and viewer preference.

3. Improved Career advancements

With technological advancements, employees are expected to constantly upskill and be engaged in their work. A poll by Gallup found that 87% of millennials view development as an important job attribute. Since most learning happens kinesthetically, modular courses for a specific skill equip the employees to improve their output even as they are doing their jobs.

4. Comfortable Learning Environment

Even though face-to-face learning has been the norm, it’s rigidity is one of the reasons why internet learning alternatives are preferred. Building an environment conducive to learning is easy and one of the main benefits of online classes. Personalized interaction with a tutor on a learning platform can be enhanced through introduction videos, short quizzes, feedback tools, and Real-time communication over video calls.

5. Access Training Materials from Anywhere

The trending mantra is ‘Time is money’. With more to do in less time, students prefer to learn on-the-go. Having learning material in the electronic format enables them to do just that. Online tools can create secure downloadable e-learning material that can be viewed on multiple devices. Learning techniques like mind mapping, instructional design and flipped classrooms are driving more people to opt for online courses.


Education is no longer within the walls of a classroom or a university. Education video streaming solution makes E-learning accessible beyond barriers and is significant because of constantly evolving technology. The industry is all set to boom to $325 billion by the year 2025. Building secure and customized e-learning platforms help you meet the ever-increasing need for people to update their skill sets.

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Sundar Krishnamorthy

Hi I'm Sundar. Interested in digging deep into business management tools and IPTV media technologies. Love to blog, discuss and share views on business management tips and tricks.


  1. Ramy Schurink says:

    Hi there! We’re interested in developing a new video platform focused on education, where all recorded lectures will be uploaded. Additionally, we’re looking to launch a mobile-based educational video-on-demand/live platform for certified content creators, with monthly subscription monetization. Based on our research into your solutions, we aim to create a fully customizable eLearning platform. We’re eager to see what your company can offer us. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

  2. henil says:

    Great post…
    Thank you for sharing such valuable points about online learning. Online learning is getting advanced day by day. It is the easiest way to get educated with complete comfort no matter from where you are learning.

  3. victor says:

    Nice post! Another benefit of online learning that isn’t often discussed is the ability to learn with people from around the globe who have different backgrounds and cultures. There’s a huge value in having diverse perspectives in a class discussion.

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