What Is TVOD? Definition Of Transactional Video On Demand

Published On June 28th, 2024 13783Media & Monetization
Learn More About TVOD

In recent years, there has been a huge increase in the number of places where you can consume videos. So many platforms are competing with each other for one of the most valuable commodities in the 21st century — human attention.
And, in the process, they make loads of money in different avenues. Some make money by showing ads before or during videos (AVOD), while some others make money by making people pay monthly fees to use the service (SVOD).
But silently, with a global market size of $7.31 billion, another monetization model has been making big strides forward — Transactional video on demand or TVOD.

TVOD, or “Pay-Per-View,” lets you pay for individual videos that you want to watch. You can either rent them for a short time or buy them to keep with yourself. Some big players in this market include Hulu, Prime Video, Roku, and HBO.  

These video monetization platform are commonly known as AVOD, SVOD, and TVOD, respectively. Some of the key VOD players in the market are Netflix, Prime Video, Roku, & HBO. 

Today, we’ll be taking you through how transactional video on demand will refine your strategies of revenue upscaling in the world of video streaming & know about its whereabouts in this blog post. 

Let’s get started.

Generally, TVOD models have the ability to generate volume revenue business making it a clear-cut path for immediate scale-up.

For example…. 

iTunes make revenue share from a consumer while renting 2 or more films in a month, as compared to Netflix providing its entire catlog on monthly basis.. 

An interesting fact crosses us which says..

On an average,

“TVOD providers with a multi-country presence, advertise a lower percentage of EU27 and European films: 11% and 25% of all brand promotional spots, respectively.” Source:BroadbandTVNews

What Is TVOD?

What is TVOD

The full form of TVOD is Transactional Video on Demand. It is a video monetization model where viewers pay for individual pieces of content on a pay-per-view basis.

Unlike subscription-based services (SVOD) like Netflix, where users pay a monthly fee for unlimited access, VOD platforms charge viewers each time they want to watch a particular movie or show.

This way it offers users the flexibility to rent or purchase specific content without committing to a subscription.
TVOD can be commonly seen across digital platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Prime Video.
More often that not, it’s used for special events like new movie releases, music concerts, fundraisers, or any other niche content not available through subscription services.

Next, let’s jump in to see some of its advantages….

Key Benefits Of Transactional Video On Demand

TVOD or transactional video on demand is the third-most commonly used monetization model. In fact, according to a report by Statista, global transactional video-on-demand revenue reached $21.9 billion in 2023. It offers major benefits that most people often overlook.

TVOD full form - transactional video on demand

Coming up next, let’s venture some of its benefits of TVOD over other models.. Also, we can have a look at a few examples:

1. Extract More Money from a Single Video: TVOD allows content creators to generate significant revenue through direct sales from a single video. Imagine you’re a content creator and have put loads of effort into making a special video.

You might prefer not to include this video in the subscription bundle to maximize its revenue potential. However, with SVOD models, you might lack the flexibility to do so. This is where TVOD comes in handy, offering the flexibility you need for monetization.

2. Flexibility for Viewers: TVOD offers viewers the flexibility to pay for and watch content on a per-view basis, catering to individual preferences. 

For instance, platforms like iTunes and Google Play Movies enable users to rent or buy movies and TV shows. These platforms provide them with on-demand access without a subscription commitment.

3. Targeted Content Monetization: TVOD platforms allow content owners and creators to monetize specific pieces of content, such as new movie releases or exclusive events. This targeted approach can lead to higher revenue per view compared to subscription models. 

For instance, the success of blockbuster movie releases on platforms like Amazon Prime Video’s pay-per-view section demonstrates the effectiveness of TVOD in monetizing premium content.

4. Better Control Over Content: TVOD gives content owners greater control over the pricing, distribution, and availability of their content. They can experiment with pricing strategies and also release windows to optimize revenue generation. 

For example, many independent filmmakers and production houses leverage TVOD platforms to self-distribute their movies and also retain creative control over them.

5. Reduced Subscription Fatigue: Out of all the benefits, this is perhaps the most underrated one. The market is flooded with too many choices — hundreds of short films, feature films, documentaries, and other long-form videos are released daily on tens of platforms.

An average consumer spends anywhere between $65 to $90 dollars a month on subscriptions to streaming services. So, there’s a silent subscription fatigue brewing among users. 

TVOD gives them an alternative consumption model for viewers who are hesitant to commit to yet another subscription.

By allowing users to pay only for the content they want to watch, TVOD mitigates subscription fatigue and expands the audience base. This flexibility can lead to increased consumption and also revenue for content providers.

6. Monetization of Niche Content: TVOD provides a monetization avenue for niche or specialized content that may not attract a broad audience for a subscription-based model. 

For instance, educational documentaries, niche indie films, or live performances can find a profitable audience through TVOD platforms. Eventually, it allows content creators to monetize their work effectively.

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7. Additional Revenue Streams with Flexibility: TVOD platforms offer content creators additional revenue streams by employing flexible pricing models. 

In addition to traditional rental and purchase options, creators can experiment with bundling, discounts, and special offers to attract viewers. This flexibility encourages repeat purchases and also enhances overall revenue generation. 

For example, offering discounted bundle deals for movie franchises or seasonal promotions can drive higher sales volumes and revenue on TVOD platforms.

What Are Some Examples Of TVOD Platform?

iTunes, Amazon’s video shop, & Sky Box Office are some examples of TVOD. 

These TVOD services offer a diverse selection of TV shows, movies, events, and also other content at individual viewing fees, letting customers to either rent or buy an electronic copy of content that they can watch anytime they want, forever.

In short, you have given complete freedom to consumers to utilize the content once you get complete profit share out of it… 

Also these most-popular TVOD platforms examples lets it rule in terms of monetization, is that it perfectly makes the most pricey category out of all 3. Thus, it carries a quite a big shot to hit upon, while bringing out the shellings earned from this best video monetization platforms.  

Thinking Of Starting Your Own Transactional Video on Demand Service?

Different Types of Transactional VOD Monetization Model

TVOD works well for videos that are special and really grab people’s attention. Users are willing to pay extra for videos that offer something unique and also valuable to them.

People generally like to watch content that matches their interests. In this case, you can provide different types of TVOD options to cater to different tastes.

tvod examples

TVOD vs PPV(Pay-per View)

Another category within TVOD platforms tell us about PPV or pay-per-view. In this it allows viewers to pay a sum for a one-time viewability for watching a show, event, etc. In general this payment model is reserve in sports, concerts, or entertainment.  

TVOD vs EST(Electronic Sell-through)

EST or electronic sell-through is one of the subcategories of TVOD. In this model, viewers are charged with only one-time fee for limitless viewability of certain piece of content. They can view at their own discretion. 

TVOD vs DTR(Download To Rent)

DTR represents download to lease, wherein a piece of content is accessible to look for a specific timeframe at the cost of a one-time expense.

It is another subcategory of Transactional VOD, and the most widely recognized model is the exemplary web-based film rental.

A happy news for content aggregators comes with this satisfying fact …

Did you know: “ The business revenue income in the TVOD which also means Pay-per-View section is estimated to reach with a ground figure of US$10.42Bn in 2022! ” 

Moving on let’s see.. 

How Is TVOD Different From Other Monetization Models? 

Subscription-based Video on Demand (SVOD), and Advertising-based on demand video (AVOD) or Premuim-based video on demand (PVOD) are the three main models. These can be leveraged by video streaming owners, creators, broadcasters like you in many distinctive ways. 

Further down the line, we’ll give you the brief of all 3 top monetization models.. 

  • SVOD

In subscription video on demand (SVOD) a large library of video content is created for a big set of targeted audience and also give them the access for a longevity period in order to make consistent & healthy revenue. 

  • PVOD

Likewise, Hollywood Studios are analyzing another alternative of TVOD, called as Premium Video on Demand.

  • AVOD

There’s also a stated fact that, viewers are shifting away from platforms that use AVOD (advertising as a form of video monetization), & what AVOD is?, in order to request streaming companies to rely more heavily on alternative revenue streams.

Distinctions Between TVOD And SVOD Model

svod tvod

SVOD (Subscription Video on Demand) and TVOD (Transactional Video on Demand) are two distinct monetization models in OTT platforms.

In SVOD, these platforms charge a recurring subscription fee to grant unlimited access to their content library. Netflix and Disney+ streaming services are good examples of SVOD. 

Conversely, TVOD operates on a pay-per-view basis.
Over here, users typically pay for individual pieces of content, commonly movies, musical concerts, stand-up comedy shows, or some exclusive TV shows. Platforms like iTunes and Google Play Movies are examples of TVOD. 

While SVOD offers unlimited access for a fixed fee, TVOD allows users to rent or purchase specific content without a subscription commitment. It provides more flexibility but potentially higher cost per view.

Is it Worth It To Take Up Transactional Video On Demand Platform?

By now, it should be obvious that TVOD is a significantly stronger monetization alternative than many people think.

As we all know the importance of a video helping to rise your revenue scaling having constant growth, it’s essential to plan it for fetching them in leaps for generating bountiful ROI. And, given the turbulence in the online video market, it’s safe to predict that TVOD will only gain in popularity.

Who Should Choose TVOD and Who Shouldn’t?

If you’re a content creator or aggregator looking to monetize individual pieces of content rather than offering a subscription service, TVOD is the best bid for you. Creators like independent filmmakers and short filmmakers can deploy TVOD to sell their movies directly to viewers without relying on a standard subscription model. 

Similarly, niche content producers, such as creators of educational documentaries or specialized tutorials, can also benefit from TVOD. This model allows them to target a specific audience who are actually willing to pay for their unique content. 

Finally, and most importantly, TVOD is ideal for one-time events like live concerts or sports matches, where viewers may not want a subscription but are willing to pay for exclusive access.

We hope this article helped in clearing your doubts about the TVOD monetization model. 

And, if you’re looking to launch your streaming business with a dedicated platform, contact our team. We will get your fully customized, white-labeled platform built from scratch in 4 days.

If You Already have an idea about launching a Video Monetization Platform, Schedule a free demo and We’ll Get You On The Road To VOD Streaming Success!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. What Is TVOD Platform?

Transactional video on demand is used in a video streaming platform where content broadcasters get to leverage on exclusive monetization method. Basically, it allows users to access content on pay-per-view basis which is much different than AVOD & SVOD models. Further to that, the solution is split into providing permanent or temporary access with one-time payment. Ultimately, it gives media publishers a chance to release their online blockbusters. 

2. What Is The Difference Between TVOD And SVOD?

In TVOD there are two subcategories which are EST & DTR. With electronic sell-through consumers can comfortably make a single payment to own content indefinitely. Whereas Download to rent helps you to gain a small fee from consumers with limited period of content accessibility. In SVOD, you can provide users with an entire calong of content for a flat rate that’s typically charged on monthly or yearly basis. You can include ad-free content too. 

3. Why Choose TVOD For Your Video Streaming Business?

Some of prime reasons to choose Transactional VOD is that it caters to those customers who are simply interested to view particular content for which they pay to see. Indeed TVOD services increases the value of each piece of content with its pricing. Also there is a chance of gaining prospective userbase when you set any range of price instead of charging them with higher membership cost. Also price flexibility assures if you can make content accessible for shot period or allow users to retain it permanently. 

4. What Are The Advantages Of Transactional Video On Demand?

It is certain to have an approximate estimation for operational margins, before the business is kickstarted. Definitely for that matter, you never run into the risk of bandwidth exploitation, whether it’s in the case of single of group of users. The infrastructure costs in TVOD platform concerns with the cost of server along with CDN to stream videos in particular size, etc.

5. Why Effective Paywall Is More Important For TVOD Video On Demand?

When we define what is TVOD, one-time costs are likely to be associated with it. Usually, potential users seek many other means to procure video content for free, thereby increasing the dominant prevalence of content piracy. All the more, there are chances where users will download the video content & share it among the common social circle, for saving one-time access fee or split the fee.

6. What Are The Examples Of TVOD Models?

While we unveil the meaning of TVOD, we come to know that users can get flexible options. Instead of watching content with free access having couple of ads sprinkled in, users can pay a specific price for a piece of content. They tend to have an ad-free experience thereafter. This is due to lot of popularity gained in TVOD. Some of the examples of TVOD are Apple iTunes, sky box office, youtube movies, Google play etc.


  1. Spencer Goodman says:

    Hi, I am looking for a VOD solution for a client. Currently they want to monetise pre recorded lecture series, so they need TVOD meaning for individual and bundle options. They also want to include free access to bundles for ticket holders from their in person events. And eventually want to explore monetising livestream events.

  2. Cynthia Stanley says:

    Hi there, I’d like to learn VPlayed’s pricing for OTT that includes TVOD streaming and AVOD. Thank you so much for your help with this! Best,

  3. Tyrone Lambert says:

    Hello, Would like to create a hybrid ott which will combine TVOD , SVOD. Please I want to talk to someone who can help to create a ott platform which will be iOS and android friendly.

  4. Lilia Boggs says:

    I’m looking for a CMS with api access to host, stream, and monetize our video streaming app (svod / avod / tvod model).

  5. Angel Walker says:

    Hello–we are looking for a DTC platform for our SVOD service (and potentially TVOD video on demand, FAST and AVOD services) that is rich in viewer features, offers significant control on the management end of the platform, and provides lots of detailed and helpful analytics. Additionally, we have specific requirements on the payment end regarding credit card storage, sales tax and billing support. Let me know if you are interested in talking with us.

  6. Michael says:

    We would like to consider you as a possible partner as we move forward and introduce significant new with what is TVOD. Thanks in advance

  7. Conrad Woods says:

    Hi, I need an SVOD/TVOD with 3 packages of monthly subscriptions. I expect to have about 1000 users in the first year. I need about 100GB of storage.

  8. Benjamin says:

    We’re looking for a professional TVOD video monetization platform for Indian Music and wanted to loop at an API for the same. We wanted to know the Transactional VOD services you offer, your rates, and whether you have any monetized algorithm-related features (recommendations, statistics, etc).

  9. Jaime Nelson says:

    Hi, I am looking for an OTT platform solution (web and app) : 1. TV Channels 2. VOD – including series, movies and other videos ○ Including AVOD, SVOD, transactional vod. 3 Live Streaming i want a pre-made solution in which can make further customisation. Let me know if you have these king of solutions available with you and make a demo call to proceed. Thanks

  10. Alakbar says:

    Hi, we are interested in a Transactional VOD monetization solution. Currently, we are looking for platform monetization, including front & back end support, content delivery + licensing support. We can discuss other details over the conference call. Please feel free to contact me in case of any questions. Thanks in advance!

  11. Ida Mcbride says:

    Hello, I wish to monetize my ornamental videos intended for different forms (SVOD & TVOD services) according to precise specifications. Please contact me by mail for more details. Sincerely B.

  12. Alane Cowley says:

    Hello, I wish to monetize my ornamental videos intended for different forms (SVOD & transactional video on demand) according to precise specifications.

  13. Franklin says:

    Greetings, I am interested in your Transactional monetization for OTT and video on demand. Please have someone contact me.
    Thank you, Calvin Franklin

  14. Sarah says:

    Thanks for sharing about the what is Transactional Video on Demand advertising. Professionally produced content delivered to highly engaged audiences through TVOD curated user experiences in a brand-safe context. Well explained.

  15. John Mark says:

    Looking for a Transactional Video on Demand monetization and have some questions about specific functions of the monetize experience. Also looking for some pricing that would be passed on to clients.

  16. Del Stovall says:

    Hello–we are looking for a DTC platform for our SVOD service (and potentially tvod meaning, FAST and AVOD services) that is rich in viewer features, offers significant control on the management end of the platform, and provides lots of detailed and helpful analytics. Additionally, we have specific requirements on the payment end regarding credit card storage, sales tax and billing support. Let me know if you are interested in talking with us.

  17. Bill Lindsey says:

    Hi, I’d like a demo please. I’m interested in creating a subscription based service with some TVOD examples of sales as well.

  18. Harriett Huston says:

    Hello, we are after an online platform where videos can be uploaded, and then viewing is sold (TVoD). Does VPlayed offer this?

  19. Elma Lovelace says:

    Hi I am looking for a VOD solution for a client. Currently they want to monetise prerecorded lecture series, so they need TVOD individual and bundle options. They also want to include free access to bundles for ticket holders from their in person events. And eventually want to explore monetising livestream events.

  20. Alia Quinones says:

    Hi there, I’d like to learn VPlayed’s pricing for OTT that includes tvod streaming and AVOD. Thank you so much for your help with this! Best, Missy

  21. Amelia says:

    Hello, We are looking to purchase the best monetize platform of TVOD. Please let us know which of these features you currently support and/or if your platform supports Transactional Video on Demand growing into the needed items in a reasonable timeframe.

  22. Stephen says:

    Hello, We are curious about on what is TVOD video monetization solution offering and platform. We have an App with another subscription platform, but our contract is up for renewal and we are exploring alternatives.
    Thanks, Stephen

  23. Shelly Fowler says:

    I am releasing a 65 minutes film on the TVOD platform. Currently, I have Vimeo subscription but I am looking for an alternate solution.

  24. Leona Marshall says:

    Hi, I would like to know more about your pricing for a cross platform video on demand platform that supports AVOD, SVOD, and TVOD. Thanks,

  25. Harold Vargas says:

    Hello, We have 8 classes and we are going to sell videos & what does tvod stand for(live streaming) for our app users. We need a platform to build simple and strong infrastructure for this task. We have many questions. e.x. Does trainer need to recharge (reconfigure and schedule) live streaming every time he are going to train or we can automize it via api?

  26. Lucille Ramsey says:

    Hello I’m very interested about a tvod services with examples. Can you help me if your solution is tailoerd on my business? Thanks

  27. Darryl Moody says:

    Hi, Looking for OTT delivery platform that will provide TV and Mobile Apps, Marketing capabilities, global CDN network to market video and podcasts SVoD, AVod and tvod full form. What are VPlayed fees?

  28. Nichole Ferguson says:

    Hi, We are looking at the OTT solution for supporting 2 AVOD channels and 12 SVOD channels in July 2021 with approx 1-4 transactional vod every month ramping from July 2022. We currently have a high bandwidth CDN with the DCP for MPEG-DASH – we are looking for Channel Scheduling/content management, transcode & Player (mobile, web and TV) and CRM/Paygate integration for management of the Subscription level access

  29. Kenneth Weber says:

    Hi. We’d like to see a demo if possible and obtain pricing for your OTT solution. We are interested in transactional video on demand, Live streaming – with DRM. Thanks.

  30. Geoffrey Bell says:

    Hi, Looking for an OTT tvod platforms provider. Needs to be scalable but starting small please. I look forward to discussing this.

  31. Benny Hawkins says:

    Hi everyone, I am writing on behalf a Czech film production company based in Prague. We have produced over 40 films and are thinking of providing those on tvod meaning basis ourselves. Can you please explain to me in simple way how that would work in collaboration with you? In practice, would we provide embedded links on our website for each film to direct people who want rent that film to your website ? What are the costs involved for us? Thank you Kind regards

  32. Trevor Kelly says:

    Hi, I am looking for a platform that allows for immediate free access to the archived content library like Youtube (AVOD monetization). While also having TVOD streaming capabilities as well.

  33. Elijah says:

    I am currently looking for the meaning of transactional Video on Demand for the monetization & launch of a streaming platform.

  34. Jacob Thomas says:

    Hey there… We are planning to start an OTT platform based in India and want to know how we can use your services to do the same. Mainly we would like to implement our OTT as an AVOD with scopes for the inclusion of SVOD and TVOD platforms in the future. We would like to discuss the rates at which you can provide your services to us and would like to get a demo of how all this would work for an OTT service provider. That would make it easy for us to explain our specific requirements if any and would enable us to formulate customizations suited for our needs. Hoping for a speedy reply from your end,

  35. Dung Funk says:

    We are interested to work on a platform for skilled people who wants to show their talent and want to make money. Avod and tvod services with an artistic interface.

  36. Virgil Singleton says:

    HI, We are interested in working on a platform for skilled people who want to show their talent and want to make money. Avod and Tvod with an artistic interface. But we also want to add a 3d design for online art and photo exhibition. You guys will be hired for continuous development of the platform.

  37. WilliamDj says:

    Hi, I would like to see a demo of the Vplayed Transactional Video on Demand monetization. Specifically, I am interested in these features: TVOD, SVOD, PVOD, video/audio streaming, and DRM. Thanks!

  38. Fern Palacios says:

    Hi, I need an SVOD/TVOD platforms with 3 packages of monthly subscriptions. I expect to have about 1000 users in the first year. I need about 100GB of storage.

  39. Ninfa Branch says:

    Hi, I am looking for OTT platform solution (web and app) : 1. TV Channels 2. VOD – including series, movies and other videos ○ Including AVOD, SVOD, transactional vod3 Live Streaming i want a pre-made solution in which can make further customisation. let me know if you have these king of solutions available with you and make a demo call to proceed. Thanks

  40. Kenneth Fogle says:

    Hi, Would like to creat hybrid ott which will combine tvod vs svod. Please I want to talk to someone who can help to create a ott platform which will be iOS and android friendly.

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